Friday, 5 July 2013

Psychotherapy went well!

As you can tell from the title, psychotherapy went really well yesterday. For the first time I actually felt comfortable talking to the therapist and this is something she picked up on. She told me that she has seen a massive difference between the first session I had with her and yesterday's session. She also said that because I brought my friends in, that consolidates the fact that I feel comfortable enough to have them around. 

Two weeks ago, she told me she was worried because now that i'm no longer a student at the sixth form it means I wont be getting any support.
Which is why yesterday  she told me she booked me a session with a mentor, which will be taking place in two weeks time. I'm excited about that because now that means I will be getting further support. On the day, I will be getting more information on what I will be mentored on so hopefully I will write a post about that. 

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