Thursday, 16 May 2013

How to help someone with mental health problems?

Finding out your boyfriend, girlfriend, sister or friend has mental health problems can be difficult for anyone to come to terms with - whether it's depression, schizophrenia and anorexia etc. It can make us feel helpless because our loved ones are suffering and there's nothing we can do to help relieve the pain they're going through - it sucks. You might feel like you don't know what to do but hopefully this blog will be helpful to you in some ways.

Be supportive
First things first, It's important to understand that your loved one is going through a distressing time and the most important thing is to be there for them. Sometimes having mental health problems can make a person feel lonely and isolated and the last thing anyone needs is to be told to just 'snap out of it'. The best way, I think, to support someone with mental health problems is to sit down and listen to them. But please don't judge them. The issues they're going through is very real to them and it's affecting their life. 

Don't expect them to tell you everything all at once. Bare in mind that talking about mental health issues isn't always easy for anyone to talk about, so just give them some time. 

The next step is to encourage them to seek professional help. The best place to start is by taking them to their GP who will then refer them onto a mental health professional. However, the person may be reluctant to seek help so don't force them just keep supporting and encouraging them. If your loved one is already seeing a mental health professional then encourage them to be completely honest. 

You are important too
Sometimes it can be overwhelming to hear that someone you love has mental health problems and it's ok to feel like that. This is why it's important for you to talk to someone about this but It doesn't have to be someone you know. There are many helplines out there that you can call anonymously such as the Samaritans and Young Minds 

If any one of you have any problems or have any questions you want to ask me then please email me on

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